NHS Main Supplier

Project Situation & Challenges

This longstanding customer is an NHS hospital supplier. It supplies the NHS across the UK with almost anything you see on a ward. From anti-static devices; instrument trolleys; operating theatre equipment; basic furniture, and items made to customer specifications.

The masses of documents for the orders, purchasing, invoices, and deliveries was the initial driver for the introduction of a document management system. Plus, the need to remove reliance upon paper processes in order to reduce the requirement for paper filing within their business.

Solutions & Benefits (Products Used)

Documents that arrive in paper form are now quickly and efficiently scanned into the FileDirector system. Electronic documents, such as emails and PDF’s, along with all the associated attachments can be added to the system electronically. This removes the need to print and rescan.

The Solution & Execution

The result of this is that everyone who is authorised to do so, can see the same document at the same time. This results in faster responses to any queries or orders being received on a daily basis.

Over time, old document records will be removed. Whilst going forwards, they were pleased to know that FileDirector has a ‘Document retention’ facility, so that documents with a need to be removed for compliance reasons are removed on the correct date, backed up, or can be flagged for review.